结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL


  • DQL:数据查询语言,关键字包括select, from where等等






create table classroom
        building		varchar(15),
        room_number		varchar(7),
        capacity		numeric(4,0), -- 精度,小数
        primary key (building, room_number)

create table department
        dept_name		varchar(20), 
        building		varchar(15), 
        budget		     numeric(12,2) check (budget > 0),
        primary key (dept_name)

create table course
        course_id		varchar(8), 
        title			varchar(50), 
        dept_name		varchar(20),
        credits		numeric(2,0) check (credits > 0),
        primary key (course_id),
        foreign key (dept_name) references department (dept_name)
        on delete set null

create table instructor
        ID			varchar(5), 
        name			varchar(20) not null, 
        dept_name		varchar(20), 
        salary			numeric(8,2) check (salary > 29000),
        primary key (ID),
        foreign key (dept_name) references department (dept_name)
        on delete set null

create table section
        course_id		varchar(8), 
        sec_id			varchar(8),
        semester		varchar(6)
        check (semester in ('Fall', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer')), 
        year			numeric(4,0) check (year > 1701 and year < 2100), 
        building		varchar(15),
        room_number		varchar(7),
        time_slot_id		varchar(4),
        primary key (course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
        foreign key (course_id) references course (course_id)
        on delete cascade,
        foreign key (building, room_number) references classroom (building, room_number)
        on delete set null

create table teaches
        ID			varchar(5), 
        course_id		varchar(8),
        sec_id			varchar(8), 
        semester		varchar(6),
        year			numeric(4,0),
        primary key (ID, course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
        foreign key (course_id, sec_id, semester, year) references section (course_id, sec_id, semester, year)
        on delete cascade,
        foreign key (ID) references instructor (ID)
        on delete cascade

create table student
        ID			varchar(5), 
        name			varchar(20) not null, 
        dept_name		varchar(20), 
        tot_cred		numeric(3,0) check (tot_cred >= 0),
        primary key (ID),
        foreign key (dept_name) references department (dept_name)
        on delete set null

create table takes
        ID			varchar(5), 
        course_id		varchar(8),
        sec_id			varchar(8), 
        semester		varchar(6),
        year			numeric(4,0),
        grade		        varchar(2),
        primary key (ID, course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
        foreign key (course_id, sec_id, semester, year) references section (course_id, sec_id, semester, year)
        on delete cascade,
        foreign key (ID) references student (ID)
        on delete cascade

create table advisor
        s_ID			varchar(5),
        i_ID			varchar(5),
        primary key (s_ID),
        foreign key (i_ID) references instructor (ID)
        on delete set null,
        foreign key (s_ID) references student (ID)
        on delete cascade

create table time_slot
        time_slot_id		varchar(4),
        day			varchar(1),
        start_hr		numeric(2) check (start_hr >= 0 and start_hr < 24),
        start_min		numeric(2) check (start_min >= 0 and start_min < 60),
        end_hr			numeric(2) check (end_hr >= 0 and end_hr < 24),
        end_min		numeric(2) check (end_min >= 0 and end_min < 60),
        primary key (time_slot_id, day, start_hr, start_min)

create table prereq
        course_id		varchar(8), 
        prereq_id		varchar(8),
        primary key (course_id, prereq_id),
        foreign key (course_id) references course (course_id)
        on delete cascade,
        foreign key (prereq_id) references course (course_id)


  • drop:

    • drop table r

  • alter:

    • alter table r add [字段名] [类型]

    • alter table r drop [字段名]

    • alter table r modify [字段名] [类型]

    • Alter Table 表名 Add Constraint 约束名 约束类型 具体的约束类型

    • Alter Table 表名 Drop Constraint 约束名

  • create view <视图名> as <DQL语句> [with check option]

Most SQL implementations allow updates only on simple views

  • The from clause has only one database relation.

  • The select clause contains only attribute names of the relation, and does not have any expressions, aggregates, or distinct specification.

  • Any attribute not listed in the select clause can be set to null

  • The query does not have a group by or having clause.


  1. from

  2. where

  3. group by

  4. having

  5. select

  6. order by

The select Clause

Find the department names of all instructors, and remove duplicates

select distinct dept_name
from instructor;

在没有聚集函数的情况下,distinct 对于select的字段集合去重

mysql> select distinct id, course_id from takes;
| id    | course_id |
| 00128 | CS-101    |
| 00128 | CS-347    |
| 12345 | CS-101    |
| 12345 | CS-190    |
| 12345 | CS-315    |
| 12345 | CS-347    |
| 19991 | HIS-351   |
| 23121 | FIN-201   |
| 44553 | PHY-101   |
| 45678 | CS-101    |
| 45678 | CS-319    |
| 54321 | CS-101    |
| 54321 | CS-190    |
| 55739 | MU-199    |
| 76543 | CS-101    |
| 76543 | CS-319    |
| 76653 | EE-181    |
| 98765 | CS-101    |
| 98765 | CS-315    |
| 98988 | BIO-101   |
| 98988 | BIO-301   |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id, course_id from takes order by id;
| id    | course_id |
| 00128 | CS-101    |
| 00128 | CS-347    |
| 12345 | CS-101    |
| 12345 | CS-190    |
| 12345 | CS-315    |
| 12345 | CS-347    |
| 19991 | HIS-351   |
| 23121 | FIN-201   |
| 44553 | PHY-101   |
| 45678 | CS-101    |
| 45678 | CS-101    |
| 45678 | CS-319    |
| 54321 | CS-101    |
| 54321 | CS-190    |
| 55739 | MU-199    |
| 76543 | CS-101    |
| 76543 | CS-319    |
| 76653 | EE-181    |
| 98765 | CS-101    |
| 98765 | CS-315    |
| 98988 | BIO-101   |
| 98988 | BIO-301   |
22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The where Clause

To find all instructors' names in Comp. Sci. dept with salary > 80000

select name
from instructor
where dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.' and salary > 80000;

The from Clause

Find the names of all instructors who have taught some course and the course_id

select name, course_id
from instructor, teaches
where instructor.ID = teaches.ID;



select *
from r1, r2, r3 .......;
for(tuple t1 : r1)
    for(tuple t2 : r2)
        for(tuple t3 : r3)
            tuple t = t1 拼接 t2 拼接 t3 ......


select *
from instructor;
| ID    | name       | dept_name  | salary   |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 |
select *
from department;
| dept_name  | building | budget    |
| Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
select *
from instructor,department;
| ID    | name       | dept_name  | salary   | dept_name  | building | budget    |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 10101 | Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | 65000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 12121 | Wu         | Finance    | 90000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 15151 | Mozart     | Music      | 40000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 22222 | Einstein   | Physics    | 95000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 32343 | El Said    | History    | 60000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 33456 | Gold       | Physics    | 87000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 45565 | Katz       | Comp. Sci. | 75000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 58583 | Califieri  | History    | 62000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 76543 | Singh      | Finance    | 80000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 76766 | Crick      | Biology    | 72000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 83821 | Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | 92000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Physics    | Watson   |  70000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Music      | Packard  |  80000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | History    | Painter  |  50000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Finance    | Painter  | 120000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |  85000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   | 100000.00 |
| 98345 | Kim        | Elec. Eng. | 80000.00 | Biology    | Watson   |  90000.00 |


  • select count(*) from instructor;12

  • select count(*) from department;7

  • select count(*) from instructor , department;84

$84 = 12 \times 7$,符合笛卡尔乘积。


select name, i.dept_name, building
from instructor i , department d
where i.dept_name = d.dept_name;
| name       | dept_name  | building |
| Crick      | Biology    | Watson   |
| Srinivasan | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   |
| Katz       | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   |
| Brandt     | Comp. Sci. | Taylor   |
| Kim        | Elec. Eng. | Taylor   |
| Wu         | Finance    | Painter  |
| Singh      | Finance    | Painter  |
| El Said    | History    | Painter  |
| Califieri  | History    | Painter  |
| Mozart     | Music      | Packard  |
| Einstein   | Physics    | Watson   |
| Gold       | Physics    | Watson   |

Inner join 与 Outer join

Outer Join:An extension of the join operation that avoids loss of information. Computes the join and then adds tuples form one relation that does not match tuples in the other relation to the result of the join.


select *
from course inner join prereq on course.course_id = prereq.course_id;
| course_id | title                     | dept_name  | credits | course_id | prereq_id |
| BIO-301   | Genetics                  | Biology    |       4 | BIO-301   | BIO-101   |
| BIO-399   | Computational Biology     | Biology    |       3 | BIO-399   | BIO-101   |
| CS-190    | Game Design               | Comp. Sci. |       4 | CS-190    | CS-101    |
| CS-315    | Robotics                  | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-315    | CS-101    |
| CS-319    | Image Processing          | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-319    | CS-101    |
| CS-347    | Database System Concepts  | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-347    | CS-101    |
| EE-181    | Intro. to Digital Systems | Elec. Eng. |       3 | EE-181    | PHY-101   |
select *
from course left outer join prereq on course.course_id = prereq.course_id;
| course_id | title                      | dept_name  | credits | course_id | prereq_id |
| BIO-101   | Intro. to Biology          | Biology    |       4 | NULL      | NULL      |
| BIO-301   | Genetics                   | Biology    |       4 | BIO-301   | BIO-101   |
| BIO-399   | Computational Biology      | Biology    |       3 | BIO-399   | BIO-101   |
| CS-101    | Intro. to Computer Science | Comp. Sci. |       4 | NULL      | NULL      |
| CS-190    | Game Design                | Comp. Sci. |       4 | CS-190    | CS-101    |
| CS-315    | Robotics                   | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-315    | CS-101    |
| CS-319    | Image Processing           | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-319    | CS-101    |
| CS-347    | Database System Concepts   | Comp. Sci. |       3 | CS-347    | CS-101    |
| EE-181    | Intro. to Digital Systems  | Elec. Eng. |       3 | EE-181    | PHY-101   |
| FIN-201   | Investment Banking         | Finance    |       3 | NULL      | NULL      |
| HIS-351   | World History              | History    |       3 | NULL      | NULL      |
| MU-199    | Music Video Production     | Music      |       3 | NULL      | NULL      |
| PHY-101   | Physical Principles        | Physics    |       4 | NULL      | NULL      |


Natural Join



column used in NATURAL join cannot have qualifier

The Rename Operation

Find the names of all instructors who have a higher salary than some instructor in 'Comp. Sci'.

select distinct T.name
from instructor as T, instructor as S
where T.salary > S.salary and S.dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.';

oracle 不允许出现 as

String Operations

Find the names of all instructors whose name includes the substring “dar”.

select name
from instructor
where name like '%dar%';

Pattern matching examples:

  • 'Intro%' matches any string beginning with “Intro”.

  • '%Comp%' matches any string containing “Comp” as a substring.

  • '_ _ _' matches any string of exactly three characters.

  • '_ _ _ %' matches any string of at least three characters.

Ordering the Display of Tuples

List in reverse alphabetic order the names of all instructors

select distinct name
from instructor
order by name desc;

order by默认升序排序(ASC),不能放在子查询中



  • RANK()是跳跃排序,即:如果有两个第1名,则接下来就是第3,忽略第2的情况。

  • 使用RANK()的时候,空值是最大的,如果排序字段为null,可能造成null字段排在最前面,影响排序结果。

SELECT ID, grade, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY grade) rk
FROM takes;
| ID    | grade | rk |
| 98988 | NULL  |  1 |
| 00128 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 76543 | A     |  2 |
| 76543 | A     |  2 |
| 98988 | A     |  2 |
| 00128 | A-    |  9 |
| 54321 | A-    |  9 |
| 55739 | A-    |  9 |
| 19991 | B     | 12 |
| 45678 | B     | 12 |
| 98765 | B     | 12 |
| 44553 | B-    | 15 |
| 45678 | B+    | 16 |
| 54321 | B+    | 16 |
| 12345 | C     | 18 |
| 76653 | C     | 18 |
| 98765 | C-    | 20 |
| 23121 | C+    | 21 |
| 45678 | F     | 22 |

Partition by


SELECT ID, course_id, grade, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY course_id ORDER BY grade ASC) rk
FROM takes;
| ID    | course_id | grade | rk |
| 98988 | BIO-101   | A     |  1 |
| 98988 | BIO-301   | NULL  |  1 |
| 00128 | CS-101    | A     |  1 |
| 76543 | CS-101    | A     |  1 |
| 54321 | CS-101    | A-    |  3 |
| 45678 | CS-101    | B+    |  4 |
| 12345 | CS-101    | C     |  5 |
| 98765 | CS-101    | C-    |  6 |
| 45678 | CS-101    | F     |  7 |
| 12345 | CS-190    | A     |  1 |
| 54321 | CS-190    | B+    |  2 |
| 12345 | CS-315    | A     |  1 |
| 98765 | CS-315    | B     |  2 |
| 76543 | CS-319    | A     |  1 |
| 45678 | CS-319    | B     |  2 |
| 12345 | CS-347    | A     |  1 |
| 00128 | CS-347    | A-    |  2 |
| 76653 | EE-181    | C     |  1 |
| 23121 | FIN-201   | C+    |  1 |
| 19991 | HIS-351   | B     |  1 |
| 55739 | MU-199    | A-    |  1 |
| 44553 | PHY-101   | B-    |  1 |

Dense Rank


FROM takes;
| ID    | grade | rk |
| 98988 | NULL  |  1 |
| 00128 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  2 |
| 76543 | A     |  2 |
| 76543 | A     |  2 |
| 98988 | A     |  2 |
| 00128 | A-    |  3 |
| 54321 | A-    |  3 |
| 55739 | A-    |  3 |
| 19991 | B     |  4 |
| 45678 | B     |  4 |
| 98765 | B     |  4 |
| 44553 | B-    |  5 |
| 45678 | B+    |  6 |
| 54321 | B+    |  6 |
| 12345 | C     |  7 |
| 76653 | C     |  7 |
| 98765 | C-    |  8 |
| 23121 | C+    |  9 |
| 45678 | F     | 10 |

Row Number


FROM takes;
| ID    | grade | rk |
| 98988 | NULL  |  1 |
| 00128 | A     |  2 |
| 12345 | A     |  3 |
| 12345 | A     |  4 |
| 12345 | A     |  5 |
| 76543 | A     |  6 |
| 76543 | A     |  7 |
| 98988 | A     |  8 |
| 00128 | A-    |  9 |
| 54321 | A-    | 10 |
| 55739 | A-    | 11 |
| 19991 | B     | 12 |
| 45678 | B     | 13 |
| 98765 | B     | 14 |
| 44553 | B-    | 15 |
| 45678 | B+    | 16 |
| 54321 | B+    | 17 |
| 12345 | C     | 18 |
| 76653 | C     | 19 |
| 98765 | C-    | 20 |
| 23121 | C+    | 21 |
| 45678 | F     | 22 |




SELECT ID, grade, NTILE(3) OVER (ORDER BY grade) rk
FROM takes;
| ID    | grade | rk |
| 98988 | NULL  |  1 |
| 00128 | A     |  1 |
| 12345 | A     |  1 |
| 12345 | A     |  1 |
| 12345 | A     |  1 |
| 76543 | A     |  1 |
| 76543 | A     |  1 |
| 98988 | A     |  1 |
| 00128 | A-    |  2 |
| 54321 | A-    |  2 |
| 55739 | A-    |  2 |
| 19991 | B     |  2 |
| 45678 | B     |  2 |
| 98765 | B     |  2 |
| 44553 | B-    |  2 |
| 45678 | B+    |  3 |
| 54321 | B+    |  3 |
| 12345 | C     |  3 |
| 76653 | C     |  3 |
| 98765 | C-    |  3 |
| 23121 | C+    |  3 |
| 45678 | F     |  3 |

Where Clause Predicates

Find the names of all instructors with salary between $90,000 and $100,000 (that is, ≥ $90,000 and ≤ $100,000)

select name
from instructor
where salary between 90000 and 100000;

Set Operations


  • union

  • intersect或者minus

  • except

  • union: 对两个结果集进行并集操作, 不包括重复行,相当于distinct, 同时进行默认规则的排序

  • union all: 对两个结果集进行并集操作, 包括重复行, 即所有的结果全部显示, 不管是不是重复

Find courses that ran in Fall 2017 but not in Spring 2018

(select course_id from section where semester = 'Fall' and year = 2017)
(select course_id from section where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2018);


(select course_id from section where semester = 'Fall' and year = 2017)
(select course_id from section where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2018);




  • < some(相当于< max)

  • <= some(相当于<= max)

  • > some(相当于> min)

  • >= some(相当于>= min)

  • = some(相当于in)

  • <> some(不同于 not in,<>some本质是!=a || !=b ...,not in 本质是!=a && !=b ...)

  • < all(相当于< min)

  • <= all(相当于< min)

  • > all(相当于> max)

  • >= all(相当于>= max)

  • = all(不同于in,应该说除了标量子查询其他恒为假)

  • <> all(相当于 not in)

Null Values

  • The result of any arithmetic expression involving null is null,(Example: 5 + null returns null

  • SQL treats as unknown the result of any comparison involving a null value (Example*: 5 <* null or null <> null or null = null

  • instead, use predicates is null and is not null

Find all instructors whose salary is null

select name
from instructor
where salary is null;


  • (true and unknown) = unknown

  • (false and unknown) = false

  • (unknown and unknown) = unknown

  • (unknown or true) = true

  • (unknown or false) = unknown

  • (unknown or unknown) = unknown

Aggregate Functions

Find the total number of instructors who teach a course in the Spring 2018 semester

select count(distinct ID)
from teaches
where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2018;

Find the average salary of instructors in each department

select dept_name, avg(salary) asavg_salary
from instructor
group by dept_name;

Find the names and average salaries of all departments whose average salary is greater than 42000

select dept_name, avg (salary) as avg_salary
from instructor
group by dept_name
having avg (salary) > 42000;


mysql> select count(*) from takes;
| count(*) |
|       22 |

mysql> select count(grade) from takes;
| count(grade) |
|           21 |


mysql> select count(sec_id) from takes;
| count(sec_id) |
|            22 |

mysql> select count(distinct sec_id) from takes;
| count(distinct sec_id) |
|                      2 |

group by 之后可以加多个字段

mysql> select id, name, count(*) from student group by id, name;
| id    | name     | count(*) |
| 00128 | Zhang    |        1 |
| 12345 | Shankar  |        1 |
| 19991 | Brandt   |        1 |
| 23121 | Chavez   |        1 |
| 44553 | Peltier  |        1 |
| 45678 | Levy     |        1 |
| 54321 | Williams |        1 |
| 55739 | Sanchez  |        1 |
| 70557 | Snow     |        1 |
| 76543 | Brown    |        1 |
| 76653 | Aoi      |        1 |
| 98765 | Bourikas |        1 |
| 98988 | Tanaka   |        1 |

Nested Subqueries嵌套子查询

Set Membership

Name all instructors whose name is neither “Mozart” nor Einstein”

select distinct name
from instructor
where name not in ('Mozart', 'Einstein');

Find courses offered in Fall 2017 and in Spring 2018

select distinct course_id
from section
where semester = 'Fall' and year= 2017 and
course_id in (	
    select course_id
    from section
    where semester = 'Spring' and year= 2018


select course_id
from section as S
where semester = 'Fall' and year = 2017 and
exists (
    select *
    from section as T
    where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2018
    and S.course_id = T.course_id

Set Comparison

Find names of instructors with salary greater than that of some (at least one) instructor in the Biology department.

select distinct T.name
from instructor as T, instructor as S
where T.salary > S.salary and S.dept_name = 'Biology';


select name
from instructor
where salary > some (
    select salary
    from instructor
    where dept_name = 'Biology'

Find the names of all instructors whose salary is greater than the salary of all instructors in the Biology department.

select name
from instructor
where salary > all (
    select salary
    from instructor
    where dept_name = 'Biology'

Test for Empty Relations

Find all students who have taken all courses offered in the Biology department.

select distinct S.ID, S.name
from student as S
where not exists ( 
    (select course_id
     from course
     where dept_name = 'Biology')
    (select T.course_id
     from takes as T
     where S.ID = T.ID)
XY=XYX-Y= \varnothing \Leftrightarrow X \subseteq Y


  • 相关子查询:内部子查询不独立,比如借用到外层的表。

  • 不相关子查询:内部子查询独立。



FROM section a
WHERE sec_id = 1 AND EXISTS(
	FROM section b
	WHERE sec_id = 2 and a.course_id = b.course_id


| course_id | sec_id | semester | year | building | room_number | time_slot_id |
| BIO-101   | 1      | Summer   | 2017 | Painter  | 514         | B            |


FROM section b
WHERE sec_id = 2 and 'BIO-101' = b.course_id;


Empty set (0.00 sec)



Subqueries in the From Clause

Find the average instructors’ salaries of those departments where the average salary is greater than $42,000.

select dept_name, avg (salary) as avg_salary
from instructor
group by dept_name
having avg (salary) > 42000;


select dept_name, avg_salary
from ( 
    select dept_name, avg (salary) as avg_salary
    from instructor
    group by dept_name
) tmp
where avg_salary > 42000;

With Clause

Find all departments with the maximum budget

with max_budget as
    select max(budget) value
    from department
select department.dept_name
from department, max_budget
where department.budget = max_budget.value;

Find all departments where the total salary is greater than the average of the total salary at all departments

with dept_total as
    select dept_name, sum(salary) value
    from instructor
    group by dept_name
dept_total_avg as
    select avg(value) value
    from dept_total
select dept_name
from dept_total, dept_total_avg
where dept_total.value > dept_total_avg.value;

Scalar Subquery

List all departments along with the number of instructors in each department

select dept_name, count(*) as num_instructors
from instructor
group by dept_name;


select dept_name,
    select count(*)
    from instructor
    where department.dept_name = instructor.dept_name
) as num_instructors
from department;


select '437' as FOO;
| FOO |
| 437 |
select 'A'
from instructor;
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |
| A |



Delete all instructors

delete from instructor;

Delete all instructors from the Finance department

delete from instructor
where dept_name= 'Finance';


Add a new tuple to course

insert into course (course_id, title, dept_name, credits)
values ('CS-437', 'Database Systems', 'Comp. Sci.', 4);

Make each student in the Music department who has earned more than 144 credit hours an instructor in the Music department with a salary of $18,000.

insert into instructor
select ID, name, dept_name, 18000
from student
where dept_name = 'Music' and total_cred > 144;


Give a 5% salary raise to instructors whose salary is less than average

update instructor
set salary = salary * 1.05
where salary < (
    select avg (salary)
    from instructor

update instructor set salary = salary * 1.05 where salary < (select avg (salary) from instructor);

update instructor
set salary = 
        when salary <= 100000 then salary * 1.05
        else salary * 1.03


  • nvl(exper1, exper2):如果exper1为NULL,用exper2代替

  • length(exper):对于字符串字段求其长度

  • round(exper, n):对于小数字段exper,保留位小数

  • concat(exper1, exper2):字符串拼接,拼接多个就嵌套。


Find the students who have registered some course at least 2 times. For each student as such, following information should be listed:

  • Name of the student

  • Title of the course

  • Count of registered record of the student for the course

WITH sdi_cid_c AS
	SELECT ID, course_id, count(*) cnt 
	FROM takes
	GROUP BY ID, course_id
	HAVING count(*)>=2
SELECT name, title, cnt
FROM sdi_cid_c 
	JOIN student ON sdi_cid_c.ID = student.ID
	JOIN course ON sdi_cid_c.course_id = course.course_id;

Find the students who have never registered any course. For each student as such, following information should be listed:

  • ID of the student

  • Name of the student

WITH target AS
            SELECT ID
            FROM student
            SELECT ID
            FROM takes
SELECT s.ID, name
FROM student s
WHERE s.ID in 
    FROM target

Find the sections which have register records having unknown grade information. For each section as such, following information should be listed:

  • Title of the course corresponding to the section

  • Id of the section

  • Year of the section

  • Semester of the section

WITH target AS
 SELECT s.course_id cid, s.sec_id sid, s.year year, s.semester semester
 FROM section s JOIN takes t ON s.course_id = t.course_id AND s.sec_id = t.sec_id AND s.semester = t.semester AND s.year = t.year
 WHERE grade is NULL
SELECT title, sid, year, semester
FROM target JOIN course ON target.cid = course.course_id;

Find the students who enroll to the department having 4 instructors at least. For each student as such, following information should be listed:

  • Id of the student

  • Name of the student

  • Name of the department the student enrolled to

WITH depts AS
	SELECT dept_name
	FROM instructor
	GROUP BY dept_name
	HAVING count(*)>=4
SELECT ID, name, s.dept_name
FROM student s
WHERE s.dept_name IN
    SELECT dept_name
    FROM depts

Find the department which hired instructors whose name contain ‘世’. For each department as such, following information should be listed:

  • Name of the department

  • Building of the department

  • Instructor count of the department

WITH depts AS
	SELECT dept_name
	FROM instructor
	WHERE name LIKE '%世%'
d_cnt AS
	SELECT dept_name, count(*) cnt
	FROM instructor
	GROUP BY dept_name
SELECT d.dept_name, building, cnt
FROM department d JOIN d_cnt ON d.dept_name=d_cnt.dept_name
WHERE d.dept_name IN
	SELECT dept_name
	FROM depts

Find the courses which have no ‘F’ grade record ever. Note: the courses which have never be registered should be included. For each course as such, following information should be listed:

  • Course_id the course

  • Title of the course

  • Count of section corresponding to the course

WITH cid_cnt AS
    select course_id, count(*) cnt
    from section
    GROUP BY course_id
cid_g AS
	SELECT course_id, grade 
	FROM takes
SELECT c.course_id, title, nvl(cnt,0)
FROM course c LEFT OUTER JOIN cid_cnt ON c.course_id = cid_cnt.course_id
WHERE c.course_id not IN
    SELECT course_id
    FROM cid_g
    WHERE grade = 'F'

Get the grade distribution of all the sections having records in table takes Note: there’s some grade like ‘A-’. For each section grade distribution as such, following information should be listed:

  • Course_id of the section

  • Year of the section

  • Semester of the section

  • ID number of the section

  • Count of grade A records

  • Count of grade B records

  • Count of grade C records

  • Count of grade D records

  • Count of grade F records

  • Count of records without grade information

WITH grade_info AS
    SELECT course_id, sec_id, semester, year, 
            WHEN grade LIKE 'A%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END A_,
            WHEN grade LIKE 'B%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END B_,
            WHEN grade LIKE 'C%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END C_,
            WHEN grade LIKE 'D%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END D_,
            WHEN grade LIKE 'E%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END E_,
            WHEN grade LIKE 'F%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END F_,
            WHEN grade IS NULL THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END nv
	from takes
SELECT g.course_id, g.year, g.semester, g.sec_id, SUM(A_) A_s, SUM(B_) B_s, SUM(C_) C_s, SUM(D_) D_s, SUM(F_) F_s, SUM(nv) nvs
FROM grade_info g JOIN section s ON g.course_id = s.course_id AND g.sec_id = s.sec_id AND g.semester = s.semester AND g.year=s.year
GROUP BY g.course_id, g.sec_id, g.semester, g.year;
| course_id | year | semester | sec_id | A_s  | B_s  | C_s  | D_s  | F_s  | nvs  |
| CS-101    | 2017 | Fall     | 1      |    3 |    0 |    2 |    0 |    1 |    0 |
| CS-347    | 2017 | Fall     | 1      |    2 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| CS-190    | 2017 | Spring   | 2      |    1 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| CS-315    | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    1 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| HIS-351   | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| FIN-201   | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    0 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| PHY-101   | 2017 | Fall     | 1      |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| CS-101    | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| CS-319    | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| MU-199    | 2018 | Spring   | 1      |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| CS-319    | 2018 | Spring   | 2      |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| EE-181    | 2017 | Spring   | 1      |    0 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| BIO-101   | 2017 | Summer   | 1      |    1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| BIO-301   | 2018 | Summer   | 1      |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    1 |


WITH grade_info AS
SELECT course_id, sec_id, semester, year, 
	CASE WHEN grade is NULL THEN 1 END nv
from takes
SELECT course_id, year, semester, sec_id, 
	nvl(SUM(A_),0) A_s,
	nvl(SUM(B_),0) B_s,
	nvl(SUM(C_),0) C_s,
	nvl(SUM(D_),0) D_s,
	nvl(SUM(F_),0) F_s,
	nvl(SUM(nv),0) nvs
FROM grade_info NATURAL JOIN section
GROUP BY course_id, sec_id, semester, year;

提醒:column used in NATURAL join cannot have qualifier


SELECT g.course_id, g.year, g.semester, g.sec_id, 
	nvl(SUM(A_),0) A_s,
	nvl(SUM(B_),0) B_s,
	nvl(SUM(C_),0) C_s,
	nvl(SUM(D_),0) D_s,
	nvl(SUM(F_),0) F_s,
	nvl(SUM(nv),0) nvs
FROM grade_info g NATURAL JOIN section s
GROUP BY g.course_id, g.sec_id, g.semester, g.year

Get the total credit hours in a week for every course which has has corresponding sections in every semester. For each course as such , following information should be listed:

  • ID of the course

  • Year of the course ’s sections

  • Semester of the course ’s sections

  • Count of the Count of the course ’s sections in the corresponding year and semester

  • Total Credit hours in a week. Note: 1 credit hour = 50 minutes

SELECT section.course_id, section.year, section.semester, 
    COUNT(distinct time_slot.time_slot_id) cnt,
    SUM((end_hr-start_hr)*60+(end_min-start_min))/50 credit_hour
FROM section JOIN time_slot ON section.time_slot_id=time_slot.time_slot_id
GROUP BY section.course_id, section.year, section.semester

Find the pairs of student and instructor which the student registered the section that taught by the instructor and the student ’s advisor is the instructor. For each pair as such , following information should be listed:

  • Name of the student

  • Name of the Instructor

WITH pairs AS
        SELECT takes.ID s_ID, teaches.ID i_ID
        FROM takes JOIN teaches ON takes.course_id = teaches.course_id AND takes.sec_id = teaches.sec_id AND takes.semester = teaches.semester AND takes.year = teaches.year
        SELECT *
        FROM advisor
SELECT student.name, instructor.name
FROM pairs 
	JOIN student ON pairs.s_ID = student.ID 
	JOIN instructor ON pairs.i_ID = instructor.ID;

Find the students who have passed exams of all the courses opened by the department the students are enrolled in. For each student as such , following information should be listed:

  • name of the student

  • name of the department which student is enrolled in

WITH require AS 
    SELECT id, course_id 
    FROM student JOIN course ON student.dept_name=course.dept_name
pass AS
    SELECT require.id id, require.course_id course_id
    FROM require JOIN takes ON require.course_id=takes.course_id AND takes.id=require.id 
    WHERE takes.grade NOT LIKE 'F%' AND takes.grade IS NOT NULL
fail AS
        SELECT *
        FROM require
        SELECT *
        FROM pass
SELECT name, dept_name
FROM student
    SELECT id 
    FROM fail 
    WHERE fail.id=student.id

Get information of 6th to 10th students according to the sorting rule that order students by students’ id ascending. For each student as such , following information should be listed:

  • id of the student

  • name of the student

WITH rk_student AS
	FROM student
FROM rk_student
WHERE rk >= 6 AND rk <= 10

Find students that has failed exam records that have no corresponding pass ones. For each student as such, following information should be listed:

  • id of the student

  • Name of the student

  • Count of courses that still have failed exam records un-overwrited.

WITH fail AS
    SELECT *
    FROM takes
    WHERE grade = 'F'
unoverwite AS 
	SELECT ID, count(DISTINCT course_id) cnt
	FROM fail
		FROM takes
		WHERE takes.ID=fail.ID AND takes.course_id=fail.course_id AND takes.grade!='F'
SELECT unoverwite.ID, student.name, unoverwite.cnt
FROM unoverwite JOIN student ON unoverwite.ID=student.ID;

Find students that has taked some courses more than one time. For each student as such, following information should be listed:

  • id of the student

  • Name of the student

  • ID of the course

  • The times of the student taking the course

  • Count of the failed exam records of the student on the course.

WITH course_cnt AS
    SELECT ID, course_id, count(*) cnt
    FROM takes
    GROUP BY ID, course_id
    HAVING count(*)>=2
fail_cnt AS
    SELECT ID, course_id, count(*) fail_cnt
    FROM takes
    WHERE grade='F'
    GROUP BY ID, course_id
SELECT course_cnt.ID, name, course_cnt.course_id, cnt, fail_cnt
FROM course_cnt 
	JOIN fail_cnt ON course_cnt.ID=fail_cnt.ID AND course_cnt.course_id=fail_cnt.course_id
	JOIN student ON student.ID=course_cnt.ID;
