
关系代数(Relational Algebra)与SQL查询语言类似,不过多用于理论,SQL查询语言用于现实的数据库查询。

Three types of operations/operators on relations:

  • fundamental operations:基本运算

  • additive operations:由基本运算组合而成的附加运算

  • extended operations:扩展运算

Fundamental operations 部分

Select Operation


Select operation is defined as:

σp(r)={ttrp(t)}\Large \sigma_p(r)=\{t|t \in r \land p(t) \}

pp is called the selection predicate, connected by : \land (and), \lor (or), egeg (not) , op is one of: ==, ee, >>, <<, \le, \ge

Project Operation



ΠA1,A2,,Ak(r)\Large \Pi_{A_1,A_2,\dots,A_k}(r)

where AiA_i are attribute names and rr is a relation name


ΠID,name,salary(instructor)\Large \Pi_{ID,name,salary}(instructor)
SELECT distinct ID, name, salary
FROM instructor;


Πname(σdept_name=Physics(instructor))\Large \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{dept\_name='Physics'}(instructor))
SELECT distinct name
FROM instructor
WHERE dept_name='Physics';

Positional Notation(位置标记)

Use $1, $2, . . . refer to the first attribute, the second attribute, and so on.


如果表结构为instructor(ID, name, dept_name, salary),那么:

Π$4(σ$4<$8(instructor×instructor))\Large \Pi_{\$4} (\sigma_{\$4 < \$8} (instructor \times instructor ))
SELECT distinct i1.salary
FROM instructor i1 JOIN instructor i2
WHERE i1.salary < i2.salary;


Union Operation

Union operation on relation r and s is defined as:

rs={ttrts}\Large r \cup s=\{t|t \in r \lor t \in s \}
  • r, s must have the same arity (same number of attributes)

  • The attribute domains must be compatible(兼容的)


Based on “emp-dept” schema, find all employees working as 'CLERK' or having salary higher than 2000, or fulfill both conditions.

Πname(σjob=CLERK(emp))Πname(σsalary>2000(emp))\Large \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{job='CLERK'}(emp)) \cup \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{salary>2000}(emp))

Set-Difference Operation

Set difference operation on relation r and s is defined as:

rs={ttrts}\Large r - s=\{t|t \in r \land t \notin s \}
  • r, s must have the same arity

  • The attribute domains must be compatible


Based on “emp-dept” schema, find all employees working as 'CLERK' ,but not having salary higher than 2000.

Πname(σjob=CLERK(emp))Πname(σsalary>2000(emp))\Large \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{job='CLERK'}(emp)) - \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{salary>2000}(emp))

Cartesian-product operation

Cartesian-product operation on relation r and s is defined as:

r×s={tt=t1t2t1rt2s}\Large r \times s=\{t|t=t_1t_2 \land t_1 \in r \land t_2 \in s \}


Give the relational algebra expression for the operations shown:

ΠA,B,C,D,E(σA=C(r×s))\Large \Pi_{A,B,C,D,E}(\sigma_{A=C}(r \times s))


Based on “emp-dept” schema, find all employees’ name and their departments' name .

Πemp.name,dept.name(σemp.deptno=dept.deptno(emp×dept))\Large \Pi_{emp.name, dept.name}(\sigma_{emp.deptno=dept.deptno}(emp \times dept))

Rename Operation

returns the result of expression E under the name x:

ρx(E)\Large \rho_{\text{x}}(E)

If a relational-algebra expression E has arity n then:

ρx(A1,A2,,An)(E)\Large \rho_{\text{x}(A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n)}(E)

Additive operations 部分

We define additional operations that do not add any power to the relational algebra, but that simplify common queries. An additional operation can be replaced/re-represented by basic operations.

Set-Intersection Operation

For relation r and s, set-intersection operation on r and s is defined as:

rs={ttrts}=r(rs)\Large r \cap s=\{t|t \in r \land t \in s \}=r-(r-s)


Based on “emp-dept” schema, find all employees working as 'CLERK' and having salary higher than 2000.

Πname(σjob=CLERK(emp))Πname(σsalary>2000(emp))\Large \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{job='CLERK'}(emp)) \cap \Pi_{name}(\sigma_{salary>2000}(emp))

Natural-Join Operation

Let r and s be relations on schemas R and S respectively, and assuming RS=A1A2AnR\cap S = {A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n }, natural-join operation is defined as:

rs=σr.A1=s.A1r.An=s.An(r×s)\Large r \bowtie s = \sigma_{r.A_1=s.A_1 \land \dots \land r.A_n=s.A_n}(r \times s)
  • Natural join is associative(结合律)

    (AB)C=A(BC)\Large (A \bowtie B) \bowtie C = A \bowtie (B \bowtie C)
  • Natural join is commutative (交换律)

    AB=BA\Large A \bowtie B = B \bowtie A

Theta Join

The theta join operation is defined as:

rθs=σθ(r×s)\Large r \bowtie_\theta s = \sigma_\theta(r \times s)

where θ\theta is a predicate on attributes in RSR \cup S



R÷S=ΠRS(r)ΠRS((ΠRS(r)×S)ΠRS,S(r))\Large R \div S = \Pi_{R-S}(r) - \Pi_{R-S}((\Pi_{R-S}(r) \times S) - \Pi_{R-S,S}(r))


Find all students who have taken all courses offered in the Biology department.

Πname,course_id(ρS(student)S.ID=T.IDρT(takes))÷Πcourse_id(σdept_name=Biology(course))\Large \begin{align} &\Pi_{name,course\_id}(\rho_{S}(student) \bowtie_{S.ID=T.ID} \rho_{T}(takes)) \\ \div &\Pi_{course\_id}(\sigma_{dept\_name = 'Biology'}(course)) \end{align}
select distinct S.name
from student as S
where not exists (
        select course_id
        from course
        where dept_name = 'Biology'
        select T.course_id
        from takes as T
        where S.ID = T.ID


Based on “emp-dept” schema, find the jobs provided by all the departments having employees.


Πjob,deptno(emp)÷Πdeptno(dept)\Large \Pi_{job,deptno}(emp) \div \Pi_{deptno}(dept)




Assignment Operation

The assignment operation (\leftarrow) provides a convenient way to express complex queries. 相当于with ... as...

Outer Join

Outer join is an extension of the join operation that avoids loss of information.

left outer join operation is defined as:

(rs)(rΠR(rs)×{(null,,null)})\Large (r \bowtie s) \cup (r- \Pi_R(r \bowtie s) \times \{ (\text{null},\dots, \text{null})\})

Extended operations部分

Generalized Projection

Generalized project(广义投影) extends the projection operation by allowing arithmetic functions to be used in the projection list.

ΠF1,F2,,Fn(E)\Large \Pi_{F_1,F_2,\dots,F_n}(E)

each of F1,F2,,FnF_1,F_2,\dots,F_n are arithmetic expressions involving constants and attributes in the schema of E

Aggregation functions

Aggregate operation(聚集运算) in relational algebra is defined as:

G1,G2,,GnGF1(A1),F2(A2),,Fn(An)(E)\Large _{G_1,G_2,\dots,G_n} \mathcal{G}_{F_1(A_1),F_2(A_2),\dots,F_n(A_n)}(E)
  • EE is any relational-algebra expression

  • G1,G2,,GnG_1,G_2,\dots,G_nis a list of attributes on which to group (can be empty)

  • Each FiF_i is an aggregate function

  • Each AiA_i is an attribute name


Based on “emp-dept” schema,Find the average salary in each department

deptnoGavg(sal)(emp)\Large _{deptno} \mathcal{G}_{avg(sal)}(emp)



Πename,sal,avgsal(σsal>avgsal(emp(deptnoGavg(sal)asavgsal(emp))))\Large \Pi_{ename,sal,avgsal}(\sigma_{sal>avgsal}(emp \bowtie(_{deptno} \mathcal{G}_{avg(sal) \, as\, avgsal}(emp))))
